Patient Charter


  • Patients medical conditions will be managed according to the highest standards possible.
  • Patients will be treated with courtesy and consideration by all of our staff.  Patients will receive appropriate information about their condition and treatment.
  • The practice will endeavour to educate patients on healthcare matters
  • GPs, nurses and staff will be encouraged to pursue appropriate continuous training
  • Patient information will be treat confidentially.  No information about a patient, or patient record, will be disclosed to anyone outside of the Practice Team or Hospital Services, without a patient’s permission.


  • Patients should attend their appointment at the arranged time.
  • Appointments are for 10 mins and are for one person only
  • Patients are responsible for their own health, and the health of their children and should co-operate with the Practice in endeavouring to keep themselves healthy by attending clinics where requested, attending screening appointments and ensuring children’s vaccinations are up to date.
  • Many problems can be solved by advice alone;  therefore patients should not always expect a prescription or a face to face consultation.
  • We ask that patients treat the staff and doctors with courtesy and respect.  Bear in mind that reception staff have a very difficult job to do, juggling with limited resources and without detailed medical knowledge.  They are trying to do their best for you.

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