E-Consultant provides an online portal where patients can self-check their symptoms and receive on the spot medical advice 24/7, round-the-clock support and alternative treatment providers.
E-Consult is an online triage tool that enables GPs to conduct consultations more efficiently. You can have your symptoms remotely assessed by your own GP without the need to visit the surgery in person, negating the need to take time off work or use precious holidays for the sake of a 10 minute consultation.
E Consultation System
Ellison View Surgery now operates an eConsult first system. Any patient who requires help from a clinician will need to submit an eConsult online through Ellison View website. If you are unable to complete an eConsult online, please contact the surgery and the receptionist will ask you a series of questions so you are able to submit an eConsult lite. The eConsult or eConsult lite will be sent to a clinician to triage. This make take up to 24 to 48 hours for a response. The patient will then be contacted either by telephone, text message or email informing you about the next steps in your care.
How it works
Go to our website https://www.ellisonviewsurgery.nhs.uk/
Click the button to contact our doctors online
Select either; I want help for my condition, I want general advice or I want administrative help.
You will be asked the same questions a doctor would be in a face-to-face appointment.
A doctor will look at your answers and we’ll get back to you by the end of the next working day / tomorrow.
If the doctor thinks you need a prescription it can be sent straight to your local pharmacy
If the doctor requires more information, we will get in touch to arrange an appointment
There is an option for administrative requests. Complete the form and we will get back to you by the next working day / tomorrow. Sicknotes are usually a 7 day turn around.
For more information please speak to the reception staff.