Cervical Screening

What is cervical screening?

Cervical screening is a free health test available on the NHS as part of the national cervical screening programme. It helps prevent cervical cancer by checking for a virus called high-risk HPV and cervical cell changes. It is not a test for cancer.

It is your choice whether to go for cervical screening. We hope this information helps you make the best decision for you and your health.

If you have symptoms, contact your GP surgery about having an examination. Cervical screening is not for people who have symptoms.

Read about symptoms >

Who is invited for cervical screening?

You should be invited for cervical screening if you have a cervix. Women are usually born with a cervix. Trans men, non-binary and intersex people may also have one.

In the UK, you are automatically invited for cervical screening if you are:

  • between the ages of 25 to 64
  • registered as female with a GP surgery.

You may get your first invite up to 6 months before you turn 25. You can book an appointment as soon as you get the invite.

How often will I be invited for cervical screening?

Your cervical screening result will help decide when you are next invited for cervical screening.

You may be invited:

  • every year
  • every 3 years
  • every 5 years
  • straight to colposcopy for more tests.

Read more about cervical screening results

Cervical screening for primary care | Cancer Research UK

Cervical screening | Macmillan Cancer Support

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Flu Like Symptoms – Flu Vaccines

Winter infections are spreading, and hospitals are under extreme pressure.

Please avoid A&E for flu-like symptoms.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Take paracetamol for fever/pain
  • Rest at home 

Please complete an eConsult if symptoms persist or you have a serious illness.

For out-of-hours advice, contact NHS 111 online or call 111.

Flu vaccines are still available if you are eligible, please contact Ellison View Surgery to book your flu vaccine  

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Telephones at Ellison View Surgery

Unfortunately Ellison View Surgery were having problems with the telephone lines this morning, the problem is now been rectified.


Sorry for any inconvenience caused this morning

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New Patient Registration

We are using a new online service called register with a GP Surgery that makes it easy to register with Ellison View Surgery. The form should take you 10-15 minutes

See link below


Just fill in this quick online form to start the process.

You do not need your NHS number, but it could make registration easier & quicker.

We will ask you for:

  • details of previous GP surgery & previous address
  • basic health and medical information
  • If you are registering children under the age of 16 years it is important that you register yourself first.

The information you provide will be used to identify the correct medical records. It will also help the GP surgery to offer relevant and appropriate healthcare service

The service is designed and run by the NHS, so your personal information is safe. It makes it easier for you to register.

Contact our reception team if you would prefer to register at Ellison View Surgery another way. Please call  0191 2831610



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NHS Hospital Contract

 NHS Hospital Contract came into force on 1st April 2017 which all NHS Organisations have signed.

What this means to you:

MEDICATION – The hospital attended is to supply medication with an adequate supply for the patients immediate clinical need until the GP receives the relevant clinic letter and can prescribe.  We appreciate this change is frustrating but in line with this contractual obligation the GP surgery will not be able to issue you with consultant recommended medication even if you have a hospital prescription.  You would need to obtain from the hospital attended or contact the consultant or a member of their team.  Upon notification from the consultant the GP surgery may automatically add the medication change to your repeat list on the computer system.  You will then be able to order your repeat medication without an appointment.
SICK NOTES – Under Section 11, the contract sets out new requirements to reduce inappropriate bureaucratic workload shift onto GP Practices.  NHS Trust Hospitals are now contracted to supply patients with the appropriate certification following discharge from an inpatient stay, day cases or following an outpatient appointment.  The length of the note given to a patient  should be provided for as long as required to anticipate the patients date of recovery or follow up.
RESULTS AND MEDICAL RELATED PROBLEMS – Results of investigations requested by hospital clinicians are to be communicated by hospital directly to patients.
Your consultant and their team are responsible for answering any concerns or queries you may have relating to your care under the hospital service, not the GP.  By this change of contractual responsibilities it is hoped nationally that this will reduce millions of GP appointments wasted nationally, responding to patients queries relating to hospital care and/or test results directly arranged by their hospital consultant.
For medically related problems, the hospital is to refer onto other necessary departments i.e. if seen in the Pain Management Clinic for knee pain they can then refer you to the Orthopaedic Department if necessary regarding that knee.  GPs will only have to provide a referral when the reason is not medically related to the original referral.
NON ATTENDANCE – If a patient does not attend a hospital appointment it is the hospital, not the GP, will liaise directly with the patient therefore the GP does not have to produce another referral (re-refer).
OUT PATIENT CLINIC LETTERS – Hospital clinic letters should be sent to the GP within 10 days.
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Ellison View Surgery

Ellison View Surgery have now resumed normal services after the Global IT outage on Friday 19th July 2024.

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Worldwide Microsoft IT Outage

Please be aware that the worldwide Microsoft IT outage is also affecting Ellison View surgery, along with banks, news media programmes, train, & airports.

This is out of our control, we are unable to process any prescriptions or make any appointments until further notice.

Our telephones are still working for any urgent requests that cannot wait.

Ellison View Surgery will up date when the surgery receive any more information.


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Medication for patients having MRI scans

After very careful consideration, Ellison View Surgery have decided to no longer prescribe diazepam for patients having MRI scans or other investigative procedures. This is not a decision we took lightly; we have a duty of care to provide safe, consistent, and appropriate care for our patients. We hope the reasons outlined below help to explain our main concerns.

  • Small doses of benzodiazepines such at 2mg diazepam are probably sub- therapeutic for most adults for any effective sedation. Conversely anxiolytics can have an idiosyncratic response in patients, and even very small doses can cause increased agitation in some subsets of patients.
  • A patient may take a sedative ‘an hour’ before their assumed procedure, to then attend the hospital to find their procedure has been delayed, therefore the timing of the anxiolytic being sub optimal.
  • GPs are not regularly involved, skilled, trained, or appraised in sedation skills.
  • All Hospital consultants, both those requesting imaging and those providing it, have access to the same prescribing abilities as GPs. If a patient needs a certain medication to enable an investigation to go ahead, they are just as well positioned to provide a prescription, either through the hospital pharmacy or a hospital FP10.
  • Sedated patients should be regularly monitored, and we have been made aware of a case where a GP provided sedative was given, the patient not monitored, and subsequently had a respiratory arrest in an MRI machine.


https://www.rcr.ac.uk/publication/sedation-analgesia-and-anaesthesia-radiology-department-second-edition“Safe and effective analgesia and sedation should be delivered by an appropriately trained and credentialed team with good access to anaesthetics, pre-procedure assessment, sedation plan and checklist, with appropriate monitoring and availability of resuscitation equipment and reversal agents”

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You will soon be able to call NHS 111 to get support if you’re in a mental health crisis


From the end of April 2024, if you (or someone you support) is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can call NHS 111 and select option 2 for 24/7 access to urgent mental health support. This is a national change, meaning you can call NHS 111 for help wherever you are in the country.

Does this mean the Crisis Teams are changing?

No. Local Crisis Teams are not changing – this is just a new telephone number to call to help you access support in a crisis.

I usually call a local number to reach the Crisis Team. Will those still work?

Yes, these local and 0800 numbers are going to stay in use for a while. If you call any of our Crisis Teams on their local number (which you might have on a care plan or old leaflet), you will still get through. You will receive the same support whether you call via NHS 111 or a local number.

When should I call NHS 111 and select option 2?

You should call if you, or someone you know, is experiencing a mental health crisis. A mental health crisis can mean different things to different people, but it is usually when someone’s mental or emotional state gets worse quickly. They might be struggling to cope or be in control of their situation. It is important to get help quickly.

111 is for all ages including children and people with neurodevelopmental needs. You can call for yourself, or for someone else.

It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you are Deaf or have hearing loss, go to signvideo.co.uk/nhs111.

If you or someone else has physically harmed themselves, or if someone’s life is at risk, call 999 or go to A&E.

What will happen when I call – who will I speak to and how can they help me?

Your call will be answered by a mental health advisor, who will be supported and supervised by our trained mental health clinicians. They will ask you some questions and listen to you to help you get the support you need.

In North Cumbria and the North East, the mental health advisors will be employed by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW).

To find out more, visit the website below or scan the QR code:

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GP phone lines can be very busy, especially in the mornings.
Save yourself a wait by calling later in the day, if possible, for nonurgent appointments or test results. Alternatively, if available, you can use the practice’s E-Consult service available on our website, or use the NHS app.
You may can also email Ellison View Surgery  for medication requests only

Need help using the app?
Visit www.nhs.uk/helpmeapp

Your GP practice is here to help you and your family in more ways than you think:
• face to face
• on the phone
• or online
• a GP
• an advanced nurse practitioner
• practice nurse
• pharmacist
• social prescribing link worker
• or another member of the health care team
Your practice receptionist can tell
you how, and who, would be best for you.

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